Friday 9 August 2013

Woman You Rock - DJ Dr Sibongiseni Tunzelana (Innovation RockStar - DJ Wannabe and PHD Graduate)

Most people who know me off and on stage know that where ever I am, this lady is always around in the background cheering me on.  Every lady deserves an amazing RockStar as a mentor.  Today since its women's day in South Afrika - I will share my mentor with you so that you too can find inspiration in her humility and ability to serve her generation.  Enjoy this awesome interview and find the music in it. 

Me: Please describe yourself in five words?
Sibongiseni: Lovely, faithful, truthful, grateful and generous
Me:Where were you born and what do you love about your country?
Sibongiseni: I was born in Mount Coke, Mkhangiso in the rural Eastern Cape. I love the authenticity and the diversity of our country. We are fortunate to be part of Afrika, the same continent where the foundations of the earth were based and the same continent that has Jerusalem and Bethlem...

Me: What are some of the activities you enjoy doing in your free time?
Sibongiseni: Listening to music, mixing music, traveling, reading by the beachfront, updating my gratitude journal, serving where I am able to add value to someone's dream. 
Me: Your most fondest memory?
Sibongiseni: It would be the day I completed working on my 1st single for my Volume 1: Molo Molo hip hop project. It would also be the time I won Miss Malaika in the Western Cape to represent in the national finals together with a professional model, Sisanda, while I was a no-name brand model without any professional experience. tltltltltl...
Me: Your top five books?
Sibongiseni: The Misunderstood God by Darin Huffort, My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers, So You Do Not Want To Go To Church Anymore by Jake Colsen, Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. Townsend, Words of Worth by Sikelelwa Dlanga
Me: What are you passionate about?
Sibongiseni: Love, People, Music, Food, Fashion and Fun
Me: What does it mean to be a Woman in Africa?
Sibongiseni: To be a woman in Africa to me means I have an opportunity to rise above the limitations that society places upon us by excelling in whatever I do & go back to my African people and share that wisdom, because of our spirit of Ubuntu and Botho. It means then that I need to work a whole harder and smarter.
Me:Please share your thoughts on Education
Sibongiseni: Education should be a life long endevour whether it is formal or by experience. We should yearn for true knowledge and applied knowledge that may give us wisdom and add value in what we are striving to achieve.
Me: Please share your thoughts on African Heritage?
Sibongiseni: You mean the Afrikan trade mark, right? tltltltltl... oh ok, as Afrikans we are blessed with accentuated features. We also have been gifted with story telling talents and nurturing abilities because of our spirit of Ubuntu. We tend to be resilient and we have tenacity because we are survivors. We watched our parents overcome insurmountable odds. We observed our grandparents die for causes that they believed in. We witnessed love, spirituality, ethnicity, faith, respect, sacrifices and humility being demonstrated by generations before us. Our African Heritage translates into our music and our apparel while preserving the inner jewels and wisdom.
Me: What does the statement "Science meets Creativity" mean to you?
Sibongiseni: There are some aspects of arts that converge with some aspects of science, for example, in Computer Science / Information Technology and music there are some healthy synergies there. I believe that every one has a measure of creativity within them and if you are a Scientific you may create innovative solutions using these synergies. This is what I do as a Digital Geek who is a DJ! I just maximise use of all potential available :-)
Me: Academics and Music - Which is your first love and why?
Sibongiseni: Music because it is spiritual, it can change atmospheres - music can instantly save lives and heal while soothing the soul.
Me: You have been involved in many movements and initiatives, what drives you to be a part of them?
Sibongiseni: Yes, any movement or initiative resonating with me that gives me an opportunity to serve and help someone get closer to their freedom and closer to their dreams.
Me: How do you deal with challenges that come with being part of these projects?
Sibongiseni: By being realistic in whether I am able to be part of it or not - being fine with just adding just enough value and communicating how I see it. I draw some strength from meditation, prayer, listening, asking for wisdom from my own mentors and listening to music.
Me: Who inspires you and why?
Sibongiseni: My Mother, Nomava Mercy Tunzelana - she is loving, faithful, loyal, never judgmental, forgiving, she is a Servant Leader. She managed excelling being a lover, a wife, mother, academic, world traveller, education specialist, investor, serves children with disabilities (deaf, blind, special needs in learning) cheerfully, while she remains humble.
Me: What are some of the challenges in your opinion do you think that African people are facing?
Sibongiseni: We are faced with deceptive perceptions about ourselves, sometimes are minds are limited and we are not consistently broadening our mind sets. Sometimes we do not know what we are not sure of. Most of our families do not have father figures who are role models due to political factors, socio-economic factors and life long learning is not always encouraged. We have not travelled as extensively as we would like due to immediate pressing survival needs. We are not encouraged to save and invest at an early age.
Me: How do we overcome those challenges?
Sibongiseni: Our divinity should supercede our humanity by investing into spiritual gifts and our overall spirituality. By believing and having insurmountable faith with practical appropriate actions, ask for help to those who are leading in the areas in which you would like to excel. Persevere, never give up, never quit, keep on keeping on. Work hard, work smart, listen for wisdom and apply all that you can implement. We have to get a number of Mentors in the various aspects of our beings (e.g. Spirituality, Family, Education, Finances, Community, Friendships, Relationship, Purpose, Hobbies, other)
Me: Best advise you have ever received?
Sibongiseni: Never be in a relationship with someone because you feel sorry for them.
You teach people how to treat you by demonstrating it by how you treat yourself & by creating healthy boundaries in your life.
If you are Spiritually in tune, everything is fine the way it is...
Me: What are some of the virtues you live by that makes you who you are?
Sibongiseni: Love God, love yourself, love people, love gives, love on... Humble yourself... Forgive and ask for forgiveness...
Me: Where can people connect with you?
You may follow me on Twitter @sibongiseni
FaceBook: Sibongiseni Tunzelana
Skype: simplysybz
I love you and thank you for always setting the standard of excellence.  As i rap and dance with you :) 

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