Monday 23 September 2013

Tears of gratitude

I am not a church fan, well at least not a fan of the today church model.  I therefore do not feel compelled to go to church and if I decide not to go, I do not feel condemned and don't really let words of others affect me. I fellowship at but am not a member of my parents' church in Meadowlands. I have worked with and visited many churches around the globe and I must say that I find my parents' - "Healing Haven" the most sincere and genuine fellowship ever, maybe because I have truly experienced the WORD that my parents preach, they not only preach this WORD but it is firmly rooted in their hearts and their love for people overwhelms me and this is translated in the church's genuine members.  You realise that they do not come to church to receive stuff, but it is for genuine fellowship.  This is rare but the church has its politics but I choose not to focus on them. 

Yesterday, 23 September 2013 was one of those days where I woke up and just didn't feel like going to church.  God rather rebuked me about this and told me to get to church immediately.  The flesh kept quiet then and there.  I got to church and had the most amazing worship experience where God told me to take off my shoes for I am treading on Holy ground, I took off my shoes and went to kneel at the altar.  You see, my parent's church does not have a lot of protocol and it is not chaos at the same time, my parent's are rather sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that is why you can never find a system there, some have criticised this procession because people are comfortable with systems, almost bordering on bureaucracy.  As I knelt at the altar, the LORD spoke tender words unto me which belong to me alone; I was fulfilled. I realised what I would have missed had I listened to my flesh to stay in bed. 

After church, I was then praised by everyone on how good I looked, now mind you, I always look good but have never heard it from everyone like this day.  This being my "love language"; I felt extremely blessed. As I was walking on cloud nine and walking about for everyone to see me, I asked someone for cash to go buy food(I usually ask for R2 to buy amaskopas but this day, it was food) as they had cooked beef at church and I am not a fan of beef.  The person gave me a whopping amount that could buy food for 10 of my friends. Then while I was on that high, another gentle soul placed R400 in my hands.  Now this doesn't happen to me where people flood me with cash because everyone assumes I am loaded, I am not complaining since I hate poverty and I will never look nor act the part.  As I was chatting to Koko MaMabusela, a gracious old lady who cannot walk a meter without her legs aching, the LORD moved me to give her R200. I was like, come on LORD, its mine, I deserve to be pampered once in a while. The LORD said "wabo yanong, that R400 was not yours alone, now come on -give it to her." I normally do not share my seeding stories with the public but for the sake of the exercise please allow me to do this.  I placed the R200 in her hands and she was like "what is wrong", I told her its hers and she immediately glowed and opened her arms drawing me like a magnet to hug her.  She embraced me and thanked me, she whispered in my ear and told me that God listens for she has not even a cent.  She continued to bless me with words and blessed Shweshwe too who witnessed everything. I could see tears swell up in Shweshwe's eyes.  Koko MaMabusela opened the note again and screamed.  She was under the impression that it was a R50 note.  She said "nna ke nagana gore ompha R50, gante omphile lefa" -loosely translated "I thought you had given me R50, instead you have given me a fortune(inheritance)".  She began to cry and I was truly humbled.  She was in awe and I was in awe at her awe. Her tears of gratitude moved me.

How often do we take the small things for granted? 

1 comment:

  1. I am still moved by her pure gratitude, it really challenged me on another level. Hence they always say "tsamaya le bagolo o tlhalefe." It's through these teaches that we are reminded to remain humble always.
