I Malebo Gololo promise myself today to continue #WalkingOnWater - remembering the call my LORD made to me to sacrifice modern day slavery for purpose.
I promise to continue #LivingOutLove irrespective of the situation around me, if I cannot do anything out of love then I might as well not do it at all.
I promise to continue loving myself more and not entertain the notion that I have to be a specific way in order to be loved, if I love myself first - then I will lead a more content life.
I promise to take care of myself - I will not choose work over sleep, I will not choose comfort eating over a healthy lifestyle and I definitely will never choose sleep over exercise
I pledge to smell the air and flowers around me for they remind me of the LOVE that my LORD has for me
I promise to accept the mistakes I have made and not dwell on regret, I accept who I am and who I am not, I undertake to work towards who I want to be
I promise that I will not second guess myself or entertain these voices that want to convince me that I am not worthy, I remember who I am and whose I am and that truth silences these voices
I promise not to be too hard on myself, even if people around me are hard on me, I will have my back and make sure that I do not break down because of hard criticism
I promise to take criticism for growth and not a tool to injure me, I will treat criticism like walking into a clothing store, when trying on a jacket - I will buy it if it fits and take it off if it does not
I promise to take care of my spirit, soul and body and will not ignore myself in the name of being a busy bee
I promise not to harp on voices that want to remind me that I was raped, I focus on the word "was" and realise that it was not about me but it was about the rapist, unfortunately I had to be the object that suffered his insecurities
I promise to be the ideal friend and girlfriend, I will give love and not become needy
I promise to accept every individual for who they are and not for who I want them to be
I promise not to be that sensitive and I also promise not to take too much offense
I promise to be authentic to myself and others and speak the truth at all times. I also promise to accept the truth as much as I dish it out
I promise to try not be in control of so much, I promise to allow myself to fail and not fear failure. I promise to deal with my insecurities which informs this need to control
I promise to honour my parents
I promise to live with a heart of gratitude
I promise to seek contentment and not harbour any issues within
I promise to do what is right even in the midst of controversy. I promise to uphold what I think is right for me, my friends, family and country
I promise to discover the power vested in me and use it carefully, discovering that I am no ordinary being so my gifts are extraordinary and do not belong to me alone
I promise never to sell my soul for a piece of silver but to always pursue my mandate - realising that I was made for such a time as this and if it means perishing for my mandate, then I will perish but my soul is not for sale
I promise to own a bucket list and make sure that I tick the list as I experience this life filled with adventure
I promise never to be a Afrikan sell out - I will always uphold my soil that defines me
I promise to try out whatever it is that I want to try out - but I will be safe while doing it
I promise not to allow any man have my heart as my heart belongs to GOD - I promise to seek true companionship and not sell myself out because of "falling in love"
I promise to enjoy every second bestowed upon me
I promise to be loyal to myself and stick to my promises
I promise to have fun and live like my life is Diamond
This post will truly stay with me. It has tought me the things I need to consider for my life. God bles. Xx
Thank you so much
ReplyDelete... I begin this comment with three dots, intentionally as it registered in my mind and left me speechless. I believe in each and every single one of us, there is that inherent small voice that we always defy almost in protest; protesting to our conscience just to conform with the societal norms. I'm sure you will agree if I say making a promise to oneself is not much of a task, but keeping that promise is what true character is made of. This is really touching and inspires me to try and be honest to myself before I can try it with anyone else. Great piece as always....
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I needed the reminder. Thank you for sharing
ReplyDeleteI'm making a printout of this and will stick it on my wall and use it as a guideline to create my list of "promises".
ReplyDeleteThank you Malebo for consistently inspiring "authenticity" and challenging me to be the BEST me, always!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, Thank you Malebo
ReplyDeleteLove this! I will begin my own. Power to you Malebo!